This post is long overdue. Sorry, Niko, it took a while for me to post this on my blog, but it’s better late than never. Thanks, dear, for tagging me.

1. Link with the person who tagged you.
2. Copy above images.
3. Post this on any or all of your Blog/s.
4. Answer the two-part questionnaire following these Rules. (Feel free to elaborate your answers. For questions 8 - 14, post only the one (1) which you believe best describes your choice.)
5. Share this with at least seven (7) friends on your Blog Roll.
6. Come back to Living A’ La Mode (DO NOT CHANGE THIS LINK PLEASE.) and leave the URL of your Post in order for you/your Blog to be added to the Master List.
7. Have Fun!
~ Parenting Style ~
1. Do you exercise full or minimal control over your child’s / children’s behavior?
- Minimal. There are times my son doesn’t listen, especially when he really likes what he’s doing. I can’t help but give in to his wishes sometimes.
2. Do you expect your child / children to obey 100% or let her / him / them do what pleases her / him / them?
- If what pleases my son won’t pose any harm to anyone, then that’s perfectly fine with me. It’s a different thing when he does something disrespectful or hurtful. This is when he has to obey mommy 100% or else…
3. Do you welcome discussion or you simply set rules?
- I set the rules, but I am open to discussion.
4. Do you reprimand?
- Certainly.
5. Do you use spanking for punishment?
- Yes, I do. This will teach my son a lesson that bad behavior doesn’t go unpunished.
6. Do you use some kind of a reward System for motivation?
- When my son does something good, I shower him with praises, hugs and kisses. Sometimes, I tell him we’ll buy a toy he wants or we’ll go to the mall if he’ll obey mommy.
7. Do you enjoy being a Parent?
- Yes!!! I wouldn’t trade being a mom for anything.
8. Are you a hands-on Parent or do you have a full-time Nanny?
- Though I’m a working mom, I make it a point to be a hands-on mom to my son whenever I can. I’m the one who gives him his bath in the morning and evening, administers his vitamins, cuts his fingernails and takes him to his pediatrician.
9. At what age would you let your child make simple decisions for himself / herself?
- As soon as I feel he’s mature enough.
10.Do you and your Husband have the same Parenting Style?
- No. I easily give in to my son’s wishes, especially when he’s crying, but my husband
sometimes lets him cry until he gets tired of it.
~ Wife Style ~
11. How long have you been married?
- 13 years this August.
12. How do you feel about being a Wife?
- It's not easy being a wife, especially in our culture. A Filipina wife is expected to be a lot of things rolled into one: a perfect homemaker, a caring wife, a loving mother, etc. This becomes doubly hard when you're a working mom. So, to answer this question, sometimes I enjoy being a wife and sometimes I don't.
13. What has been your typical sleeping attire since you got married?
- T-shirt and shorts.
14. How do you show how appreciative you are of your Husband?
- I cook his favorite dishes.
15. What do you do when your Husband annoys you?
- I do something that annoys him back.
16. You are buying or planning to buy your first house as Husband and Wife.
- We already bought our first house.
17. How does your house look like at the end of the day when Hubby gets home?
- Neat and tidy.
18. How do you feel about running a household?
- It’s stressful sometimes, but I get a sense of fulfillment when everything is in order.
19. What is the sweetest gift you have given your Husband so far?
- Our son Justin.
Now, I’m passing on this tag to all the mommy bloggers who visit my site.

1. Link with the person who tagged you.
2. Copy above images.
3. Post this on any or all of your Blog/s.
4. Answer the two-part questionnaire following these Rules. (Feel free to elaborate your answers. For questions 8 - 14, post only the one (1) which you believe best describes your choice.)
5. Share this with at least seven (7) friends on your Blog Roll.
6. Come back to Living A’ La Mode (DO NOT CHANGE THIS LINK PLEASE.) and leave the URL of your Post in order for you/your Blog to be added to the Master List.
7. Have Fun!
~ Parenting Style ~
1. Do you exercise full or minimal control over your child’s / children’s behavior?
- Minimal. There are times my son doesn’t listen, especially when he really likes what he’s doing. I can’t help but give in to his wishes sometimes.
2. Do you expect your child / children to obey 100% or let her / him / them do what pleases her / him / them?
- If what pleases my son won’t pose any harm to anyone, then that’s perfectly fine with me. It’s a different thing when he does something disrespectful or hurtful. This is when he has to obey mommy 100% or else…
3. Do you welcome discussion or you simply set rules?
- I set the rules, but I am open to discussion.
4. Do you reprimand?
- Certainly.
5. Do you use spanking for punishment?
- Yes, I do. This will teach my son a lesson that bad behavior doesn’t go unpunished.
6. Do you use some kind of a reward System for motivation?
- When my son does something good, I shower him with praises, hugs and kisses. Sometimes, I tell him we’ll buy a toy he wants or we’ll go to the mall if he’ll obey mommy.
7. Do you enjoy being a Parent?
- Yes!!! I wouldn’t trade being a mom for anything.
8. Are you a hands-on Parent or do you have a full-time Nanny?
- Though I’m a working mom, I make it a point to be a hands-on mom to my son whenever I can. I’m the one who gives him his bath in the morning and evening, administers his vitamins, cuts his fingernails and takes him to his pediatrician.
9. At what age would you let your child make simple decisions for himself / herself?
- As soon as I feel he’s mature enough.
10.Do you and your Husband have the same Parenting Style?
- No. I easily give in to my son’s wishes, especially when he’s crying, but my husband
sometimes lets him cry until he gets tired of it.
~ Wife Style ~
11. How long have you been married?
- 13 years this August.
12. How do you feel about being a Wife?
- It's not easy being a wife, especially in our culture. A Filipina wife is expected to be a lot of things rolled into one: a perfect homemaker, a caring wife, a loving mother, etc. This becomes doubly hard when you're a working mom. So, to answer this question, sometimes I enjoy being a wife and sometimes I don't.
13. What has been your typical sleeping attire since you got married?
- T-shirt and shorts.
14. How do you show how appreciative you are of your Husband?
- I cook his favorite dishes.
15. What do you do when your Husband annoys you?
- I do something that annoys him back.
16. You are buying or planning to buy your first house as Husband and Wife.
- We already bought our first house.
17. How does your house look like at the end of the day when Hubby gets home?
- Neat and tidy.
18. How do you feel about running a household?
- It’s stressful sometimes, but I get a sense of fulfillment when everything is in order.
19. What is the sweetest gift you have given your Husband so far?
- Our son Justin.
Now, I’m passing on this tag to all the mommy bloggers who visit my site.
1 pensive thought/s:
" Thank you! " for joining us here I have included you / your site on the ML already. Happy Blogging!
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