Justin’s five-week summer class officially ended last Friday, May 15. Because Justin never missed a single day of school, never pooped in school, and gamely participated in their classroom activities, his Dad thought of rewarding him with toys.
Justin already owns a Thomas tank engine, but he wants to have the other tank engines as well. They’re quite expensive, so his Dad thought of buying him miniature tank engines so he can have three, instead of just one regular-sized tank engine.

James, Percy and Edward
Justin is also very fond of cars, and though he already has quite a number in his toy box, he simply can’t get enough of them, so again, his Dad gave in to his son’s wishes and bought him this set of race cars.

Race cars
Justin had a blast playing with his new toys at home. Last night, he went to bed way past his bedtime because he still wanted to play.
How about you? How do you reward your kids?
Justin already owns a Thomas tank engine, but he wants to have the other tank engines as well. They’re quite expensive, so his Dad thought of buying him miniature tank engines so he can have three, instead of just one regular-sized tank engine.
Justin is also very fond of cars, and though he already has quite a number in his toy box, he simply can’t get enough of them, so again, his Dad gave in to his son’s wishes and bought him this set of race cars.
Justin had a blast playing with his new toys at home. Last night, he went to bed way past his bedtime because he still wanted to play.
How about you? How do you reward your kids?
8 pensive thought/s:
congrats kuya justin for a job well done! u must be very happy with ur new toys! enjoy them and take care of them too.
btw, i have a tag for u mommy tetcha! its called the 8 things tag. hope u can grab it at my site. hugs po!
wow... nice reward.. im sure he must be excited!
sometimes, we also reward with toys or we go swimming (at our inflatable pool) or we go to the mall or we eat out at a restaurant they like! :D
Wow congratulations to little Justin!
Wow nice collection. I love it. - Parenting Through Divorce
Wow...congrats Justin!..me i love giving rewards to good deeds..
Congrats to Justin. What a good little boy. I love the train engines. My little one has a few of the Thomas collection too. Thanks for stopping by and for your sweet comment regarding my little one.
I tried to leave comment here the other day but somehow Blogger said my cookies weren't activated, so couldn't go thru. Anyway I was gonna say that Thomas has the same effect on Evan, he keeps asking for other engine. Miniature engines are really smart choice :)
Wow! What a nice reward! Doing good deeds is indeed wonderful, specially to our love ones. Hope Justin will continue do plenty of good things, even a very simple deeds:-)
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