Since Monday of last week, I have been in pain because my lower left first molar has been aching so badly; the gum around that tooth is swollen, too! I took Amoxicillin per my aunt’s advice and I made a dental appointment with Dentista, Inc. at Shangri-la Mall to have the tooth checked right away. I went to the clinic at 2pm today and underwent dental x-ray to see if there was infection inside the tooth.
While waiting for the result, I couldn’t help but notice how the clinic was very well-maintained. The place was spotlessly clean, the background music that was playing was not too loud, and the lighting was just right. I was hoping I’d see faux wood blinds inside, but there were none. Their tinted glass walls were already enough to provide the patients inside the clinic that much-needed privacy.
The lady dentist said there was indeed infection inside my first molar. She said I have two options: root canal treatment which will cost Php12,000.00 (Oh my!) or tooth extraction, which is way cheaper. My health insurance won’t cover the cost of the root canal therapy and I can’t afford that treatment right now no matter how hard I work. I said I’ll just have the tooth pulled. Before I left, she gave me a prescription for a different antibiotic that I’ll take for 7 days. I’ll see her again next weekend.
1 pensive thought/s:
bakit dami yan my toothache ngayon,. hope youfeel better soon tetcha, ipa bunot mo kaya
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