I’ve been given a tag and an award by Sheila of Simple Happy Life. Thanks a lot! You’ve definitely brightened my Monday morning!

This is an alphabetical listing of things about me. So without further ado, here’s my list.
A - Attached or Single? – Married and Proud of It!
B - Best Friend? - Remie
C - Cake or pie? - Pie
D - Day of choice? - Saturday
E - Essential item? - Computer, cell phone, money, credit card, watch, pen and paper
F - Favorite Color? – Yellow, orange, lavender
G - Gummy Bears or Worms? - Gummy Bears
H - Hometown? – I don’t think I really have one. I was born and raised in Manila.
I - Indulgence? - Malling, Eating out
J - June or July? – July because it’s my son’s birthday.
K - Kids?- 1
L - Life is not complete w/o – God, family and friends
M - Marriage date? – August 1, 1996
N - Number of magazine subscriptions – None at the moment.
O - Orange or apple? - Orange
P - Phobias? - Snakes
Q - Quotes? – Honesty is the best policy.
R - Reason to smile? – My son, When I receive nice comments on my posts
S - Season of choice? – Christmas
T - Tag People- Chris, Enchie, Pehpot, Jess
U - Unknown fact about me – That I’m not fond of flowers
V - Vegetable? – Broccoli, carrot
W - Worst habit? – Washing my hands every so often
X - Xray or ultrasound? – X-ray
Y - Your favorite foods? – Kare-kare, pork sisig, lechon macau (These are foods we don’t really cook at home, so we usually order this when we eat out.)
Z - Zodiac sign - Aquarius

There are no rules for this award. I’m passing this on to the following great bloggers: Ibyang, Niko and Renz.

This is an alphabetical listing of things about me. So without further ado, here’s my list.
A - Attached or Single? – Married and Proud of It!
B - Best Friend? - Remie
C - Cake or pie? - Pie
D - Day of choice? - Saturday
E - Essential item? - Computer, cell phone, money, credit card, watch, pen and paper
F - Favorite Color? – Yellow, orange, lavender
G - Gummy Bears or Worms? - Gummy Bears
H - Hometown? – I don’t think I really have one. I was born and raised in Manila.
I - Indulgence? - Malling, Eating out
J - June or July? – July because it’s my son’s birthday.
K - Kids?- 1
L - Life is not complete w/o – God, family and friends
M - Marriage date? – August 1, 1996
N - Number of magazine subscriptions – None at the moment.
O - Orange or apple? - Orange
P - Phobias? - Snakes
Q - Quotes? – Honesty is the best policy.
R - Reason to smile? – My son, When I receive nice comments on my posts
S - Season of choice? – Christmas
T - Tag People- Chris, Enchie, Pehpot, Jess
U - Unknown fact about me – That I’m not fond of flowers
V - Vegetable? – Broccoli, carrot
W - Worst habit? – Washing my hands every so often
X - Xray or ultrasound? – X-ray
Y - Your favorite foods? – Kare-kare, pork sisig, lechon macau (These are foods we don’t really cook at home, so we usually order this when we eat out.)
Z - Zodiac sign - Aquarius

There are no rules for this award. I’m passing this on to the following great bloggers: Ibyang, Niko and Renz.
7 pensive thought/s:
thanks for the tag mommy...will do this with the rest soon :) have a lovely week!
thanks tetcha! I have done this tag a while back. thanks again!
yey i am not busy at the moment...ill do this na po thanks!!! =)
visiting here, thanks for grabbing the tag and award tetcha, have a good week!
check mine tpos ko na po =) thanks ulit! http://ishiethan.blogspot.com/2009/02/counting-my-blessings.html
Thanks Tetchie! Here is my response to your
we are both Aquarius hihi
Make or Break
thanks for the Techa! have a great week ahead :)
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