Here are some of my son’s nap time /sleeping time captured in photos.
The first two pictures were taken two days apart when Justin was about a month old.
The last picture was taken when Justin was 1 year and 7 months old.
We have a ritual before Justin sleeps at night. I sing to him a song that I have been singing to put him to sleep since he was a tiny tot. It’s called “Drip Drop.” It was one of the songs in the CD Bless My Little Boy. We have both memorized it by this time, and the two of us sing this lullaby together. Here are the lyrics of this cradlesong:
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11 pensive thought/s:
Wow, tabachingching and cutie pie pa din kahit sleeping! Me too, they love to hear me sing the songs "I love you forever" and Donna Cruz's "Ang Gabi'y Payapa" (di ko alam ung title pero jingle siya for a diaper commercial). I've been singing these to him and they love them until now. :)
He's so cute and I love lullabies. My kids also love it when they were still babies.
Mommy tetcha super duper cutie ng baby mo. Oist inggit ako sayo, u know how to sing a lullaby. me kasi di marunong.:( Di ko na mention sa post ko na since i dunno how to sing :) play nalang si me classical music sa baby ko. sabi din kasi nila na good daw classical music for the babies. :)
i also have that CD, but mine is Bless My Little Girl. :) I used to play that CD for my litlle girl when she was a baby.. and I have memorized almost all the songs there. i just love it. :)
by the way, dont forget to include your URL at mr. linky on my site :D
Those are cute pictures. For Evan it was his dad who sang lullaby. Sometimes he just made up his own instead of sang a known one, and surprisingly it worked as well as other lullabies.
Have a good weekend mommy :)
our little ones loves mom's voice as they it strengthens the bonding.
Ang cute!!! The best talaga sleeping pics, very peaceful at ma-kiss ng walang angal diba?
And I thought nakanta ko na lahat ng lullabies... Thanks for sharing, 'di ko alam ang Drip Drop e. :)
thanks for sharing the song...sleeping babies really look like angels...your baby is adorable
ohh! He look so cute and peaceful in his sleep. baby's really have their own favorite song to help them fell asleep. My jake were itsy bitsy spider and Hush little baby
That's a very nice ritual mommy tetch! Galing na ng baby mo ha? he can now sing with you at just one year and 7 months. i bet he's a bright boy and he'll be outstanding as a student. si sam ko naman, i sing to her a lullaby that i made up when it's sleeping time na. sometimes, she would hum/sing along too.. it sounds really funny kasi nga, inaudible pa yung mga sinasabi nya.
Mommy Kikamz
Just About Anything
of all the songs i sing to my eldest son, he loves the "rainbow connection." he usually requests for that song before he sleeps.
btw, can i add you to my blog? just let me know pls.
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