I was planning to write this piece the very same day I heard my son Justin sing this nursery rhyme, but I wasn’t able to because I was working in our bedroom, which was right next to the living room where my son was singing this song over and over again much to his yaya’s delight. He, too, was proud of what he’s now able to do.
At two years old, this is actually the second song he can sing completely. The first one is ABC. And he can recite numbers 1 to 10. Blame it on the Barney and Baby Genius CDs he watches day in and day out. Because he watches them too often, he knows what each CD contains and he even knows what song is going to be played next. When he’s playing, he sings bits and pieces of the songs he hears on these CDs.
Even before he turned two, he already knew how to say his complete name. Before, when you asked him what is his name is, he would say: “Is Justin Edward Figuerres.” Now, he’s leaving out “Justin” from his name, finding it too long to say, perhaps. But Mommy’s all too keen on reminding him.
He now knows how to say “please” and “thank you.” He forgets to say these magic words sometimes, but all it needs is a little coaxing to make him say them, especially when he’s asking for milk and food.
He now enjoys riding in an elevator. He used to cry when he’s inside an elevator, but he’s now getting the hang of it. He actually enjoys going up and down the building in an elevator, even imitating the voice prompt that says: “Sorry to keep you waiting.” But of course, he’s only able to say the last word.”
He knows the difference between Yakult and Chamyto and can distinguish water from milk from juice to chocolate drink. He even knows Coke Zero just by simply looking at the bottle. This may seem such trivial facts, but I’m amazed at how much his little mind works.
He can distinguish a circle from a square from an oblong, which he calls “ombong,” by the way. He’s still learning about the triangle and the rectangle, though.
He can identify certain personalities he sees on TV, like Sarah Geronimo, President Arroyo, Manny Pacquiao, even Oprah. He calls other celebrities he sees by their names in soap operas they starred in. He refers to Marian Rivera as Marimar and to Robin Padilla as Joaquin Bordado.
He can perform certain tasks if you ask him to, like getting his slippers/diaper/toys, etc., closing the door, brushing his teeth, combing or messing up his hair, and choosing what clothes to wear (he knows what he wears in the house and what he wears outside the house, like when we’re going to the mall).
He also eats by himself using his own mini-spoon and fork and drinks on his own. He even knows how to use the straw when drinking. He announces when he is hungry or thirsty or when his diaper needs to be changed. He is yet to be potty-trained, however.
He occasionally speaks in full sentences, well, not completely full sentences, but words that make sense, like last night when his Daddy was turning off the PC, he said, “Patay Daddy computer” or the other time when he finished drinking Tropicana orange juice, he said to his yaya, “Bili Mommy juice.” A few days ago, when we passed by the convenience store at the lobby of the building, he said to the cashier, “Kuya, bili lollilop.”
And the list goes on. I guess it’s true. Children really absorb things around them. This reminds me I need to be careful of what I say and do, especially when around my kid, as he may imitate what I am doing, believing that Mommy is always right, in his eyes, at least.